Please check back with us for the latest news, announcements, and updates at Park Allergy Center! We regularly update our site with the latest allergy news and tips.

All allergy injections for environmental allergies will resume on Monday May 4.

New Shot Hours starting Monday May 4: 8:30am – 4pm Monday through Thursday

  • Please review our recent policy changes regarding social distancing, screening, and required facial masks as those policies will remain in effect.
  • The total number of patients/visitors in the building will be capped.

Effective immediately, ALL patients entering Park Allergy Center, whether for an appointment, treatment, or allergy injection, will be required to wear a facial mask (cloth facial coverings acceptable). All patients are asked to bring and use their own mask as our supply is almost exhausted. Following is a link to the latest CDC recommendation regarding the use of cloth facial masks in public.

As always, thank you for your understanding and trust in Park Allergy Center.

Effective immediately, administration of allergy injections will be limited to asthmatics and patients with stinging insect allergies.  

All non-urgent, in-office appointments will be rescheduled either to a later date or to a Telemedicine appointment.  

We feel this new policy achieves the best balance of honoring Governor Whitmer’s Stay-At-Home order while continuing to provide care for those most at risk.

Also, please refer to the latest Policy Update dated April 6, 2020.

Thank you for your understanding and your continued trust in Park Allergy Center.